Lights! Camera! Action!

We Started a Film Festival During a Pandemic

Fall CUE 2021 Presentation

October 23, 2021, 6:00 – 6:50 PM

Learn about one school district’s experiences with kicking off a first-ever student film festival for grades two through twelve – in the middle of a pandemic!

Find out about our design considerations and hear how our team decided to deal with the many challenges of providing students with video equipment and editing tools during a period of unprecedented at-home and hybrid learning.

All of our training and support resources will be shared so you can use or adapt them for your own student film festival! Whether you are contemplating a film festival for an individual classroom, a school, or an entire district–and whether you have a big budget, a small budget, or no budget–we hope our resources and experiences will be helpful to you.

Best of all, we will share a link to our festival awards video and the students’ videos themselves!

Session Materials

Google Slides:

Informational Website for Teachers, Students, and Families: