
On-Ramps for ALL Students

Fall CUE 2021 Presentation

October 23, 2021, 12:00 – 12:50 PM

Session Materials

Google Slides:

Your classroom technology is a super-highway of learning, but are there enough on-ramps for ALL of your students? In this fast-paced and interactive lecture format, you’ll learn about accessibility tools and methods that can help put your students in the driver’s seat. This session is intended for the beginning- to intermediate-level tech educator at any grade level.

After a brief overview of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) philosophy, we will learn about both free and paid tools that may be helpful to anyone, but are especially useful for learners with special needs and/or disabilities, as well as translation resources for language learners.

The session will culminate in a demonstration of how you can use Google Apps Script to “turbo-charge” your Google Slides in order to build your own custom language translation tool. You will leave this session with a curated and current collection of accessibility resources that you can start using immediately with your students.

Your presenter is a District-employed technology specialist with 20 years of classroom teaching experience, and is not affiliated with any vendor. All tools demonstrated are vetted for student data privacy and are being used in real classrooms.